Dear New Song Studio Family,
Thank you so much for your patience in working hard with us to make your lessons a success. We have seen some great home studios that got even better over the weeks.
Here are some suggestions to keep things getting better:
1. Use A Headset - Connect a headset to your main device for the best possible quality of sound and to minimize echoes and feedback.
2. Mute Mic & Silence Speaker On Secondary Device - Some of you have set up a secondary device in order to give your teachers another view (awesome!). Please remember to mute the microphone and silence the speaker before joining the lesson.
3. Google Drive Folder - Don't forget to share your sheet music and any written work with your teacher by taking photos and uploading them to the Google Drive Folder.
Reach out to us if you are having trouble, we will do our best to walk you through.
We will do our best to make sure your teacher has access to all the materials necessary before each lesson starts. Please help us by becoming familiar with this weekly routine. 4. Stay Involved & Be Prepared - Success is a team effort and we would like parents to be participants. Teachers may take a few minutes at the end of each lesson to speak to the parents directly: to go over the week's goals and homework, as well as the materials to upload before the next lesson. Don't hesitate to ask questions so everyone is on the same page!
Finally, please reach out to us if you have any questions or concerns, we are always here to help!
Thank you for being amazingly supportive.
Be well, and keep making beautiful music!